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YG023B Automatic Yarn Tensile Tester

YG023B automatic yarn Tensile tester, which is controlled by PC, is used for determining the physical characteristics of yarn or filament, such as breaking force, elongation at break, breaking tenacity, time-to-break and forceelongation curve. The tester is integrated with a PC that is equipped with Windows operating system, color display, keyboard, mouse and printer, so that data acquisition, calculation and output are fully automatic.

By gripping specimen with pneumatic means, the drawoff clamps of the tester work reliably without any damage to specimen. The tester features high automation, convenient operation, stable performance and accurate testing. It is a high-tech electromechanical product at the world level among its counterparts

Technical Specifications

Type    constant rate of elongation (CRE)
Load range    0~5000 cN (range scaled at 2500 cN, 1000 cN)
Accuracy of load indication    ≤±1%
Gauge length & accuracy    (100~500)mm (infinitely adjustable) Accuracy 1 mm
Measurement range of elongation    (0~300) mm(gauge length = 500mm)
Test speed    (20~10000) mm/min (infinitely variable speed) Accuracy 2%
Pretension    (0~150) cN
Clamping mode    Pneumatic clamping pressure: (0.4~0.8) Mpa
Max number of tests per package    300
Data input     Input by keyboard or mouse
Data output
   Output data including: breaking force, elongation at break, breaking tenacity, time-to-break, work done,
   elongation at specified force, force at specified elongation, as well as max., min., mean and CV% in statistical
   Display:CTR color display (force, elongation, force-elongation curve)
   Printout:single test value, statistic values and force-elongation curve of test data
Mains supply    Voltage: 220V Frequency: 50Hz Power: 1.2KW
Weight    300 kg
Working environment requirements    Temperature (20±5) oC Humidity <80%RH

Overall dimensions (L x W x H)    Main unit: 650x580x1730mm (excluding display)
   Yarn creel: 1200mm × 160mm × 500mm
   Air compressor: 650mm × 370mm × 500mm (Optional at order)

Functions for abnormal value elimination, timed drawing, data save and query.

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